Dr.Bingqing Liu is a satellite oceanographer who seeks to better understand and constrain coastal carbon dynamics, aquatic ecosystems biodiversity, coastal water quality and their responses to climatic changes, extreme events, and anthropogenic stressors. Her research entails the development of satellite remote sensing algorithms based on marine optical theory and field observations, and the integration of remote sensing data and other data products such as outputs from computer models and reanalysis datasets to study ocean processes, particularly in the coastal ocean. She has participated in research cruises to the continental shelf in the northern Gulf of Mexico and a few estuaries of Texas, Louisiana and Florida. Currently, she serves as a lead-PI or co-PI for projects funded by federal and state agencies such as NASA, NOAA, and USACE. Her research was recognized by the National Wetland Awards in 2023. Prior to her current position as an assistant professor at UL Lafayette (2023 – Present), she served as the Deputy Director for the RESTORE Act Center of Excellence for Louisiana (LA-COE), a position she assumed after earning her Ph.D. (Advisor: Eurico D’Sa) in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences from Louisiana State University in 2020.